Luxury garden design


ProjectGarden design
AVZ systemsCubola Solidare and 2x SolidScreen
CompletionOctober 2017


The fact that we have such a high quality range of products and are represented literally worldwide, has enabled us to gradually establish an international customer base which we are particularly proud of. This base also includes Swiss firm Conma, which designs and develops stylish gardens, while also supplying matching customised furnishings and fittings. This extends from garden furniture to sun protection, of course! In this regard, the Cubola has proven the ideal (free standing) design awning, which enables customers to enjoy the outdoor life for longer periods of time. For instance, from enjoying breakfast in the early morning, to relaxing in the evening after a day’s hard work. The Cubola’s high level of flexibility allows it to cater to a vast range of requirements. The system’s innovative design allows the front end to be lowered, in order to either exclude dazzle from the rising or setting sun or to facilitate the discharge or rainwater. 

The Cubola’s truly exceptional feature, however, is its Solidare zip guide system. The fabric is fitted with a zipper, which both keeps it taught and prevent the ingress of sunlight or rain. Moreover, this Cubola Solidare is equipped with SolidScreens fitted with bright green Tibelly screen fabric. This not only lends additional colour to the garden, but also vouches for privacy, while offering protection from the wind and sunlight. Regardless of whether the sun is high or low in the sky, it is windier than usual, or light showers are falling, the Cubola Solidare continues to offer protection and remains a considerable asset in any garden. Made with love by Conma!